The Emotional Eating Mastery Workshop

How to soothe & comfort your emotions without using chocolate or ice cream!
Thursday, October 24th at 1pm EST
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In this training you'll discover how to...

 End the vicious cycle of restrict - binge - guilt - restrict
 Understand the hidden wisdom in our eating behaviors
 Reclaim control of physical and emotional cravings
 What you really need emotionally when you use food to soothe

Hi, I'm Jessica Kishpaugh!

I'm a Holistic Nutritionist, Emotional Eating Coach, Nutrition Psychology Counselor, and a Mom of 3 little kiddos.

I support busy women to heal their metabolism and their relationship with food so they can achieve a confident and comfortable weight (and keep it off), without restrictive dieting or self punishment, learn to empower themselves with a positive mindset and develop a healthier, happier lifestyle.  I teach women who struggle with years of yoyo dieting and emotional eating, the key habit-changing mindset and behavioral skills, so they no longer rely on ice cream to soothe stress or feel guilty when they cave into cravings, and allows them to achieve sustainable life-long habits that don't involve giving up wine or chocolate. 
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