Reclaim control over food, navigate your emotional cravings with ease, and achieve the FOOD FREEDOM you deserve.
Grab my FREE Guide: The End Emotional Eating Toolkit
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Inside this FREE Toolkit, you’ll get the resources you need to:

➡️ End the vicious cycle of restrict - binge - guilt - restrict
➡️ Reclaim control of physical and emotional cravings
➡️ Discover what you need emotionally when you use food to soothe
➡️ Navigate emotions with calm and ease (instead of stuffing the emotions with food)

Hi! I'm Jessica
I'm a Holistic Nutritionist, Nutrition Psychology Counselor, Emotional Eating Coach and a Mom of 3 littles.  

I struggled with negative body image, disordered thinking around food, unwanted belly fat and emotional eating for 20+ years.  It wasn't until I healed my relationship with food and body that I was able to stop silently self-sabotaging myself at the mercy of my emotions and achieve (and sustain) my own weight goals even after age 40!

Now, I specialize in emotional eating and food psychology and I help high achieving women who struggle with emotional eating and yo-yo dieting behaviors,  incorporate a new and different holistic approach to weight loss, and to finally end the restrict-binge-guilt-restrict cycle of yoyo dieting. I teach women how to build positive body image and confidence so they feel beautiful from the inside out.

I put together this resource to help women break up with uncontrollable physical AND emotional cravings so they can feel in control of food again and be one step closer to a healthy relationship with food too.

Here’s what women are saying after working with me!

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